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Dear Darling: Creating an Oasis

Dear Darling,

I love and appreciate you more every day. You are not my only, my whole world, or my missing piece; you are my person, my lover, you are who I see myself building a life with and never getting bored, you are the person who gives me hope; the person who holds me until everything seems to fit and all seems right in the world. My heart is full, my cup runneth over. You are the Mars to my Venus, the Sun to my Moon, and because of you, I am shining brighter than ever in the darkness.

You told me last night that I am creating two simultaneous and unlikely things in you that are really quite incredible to experience: causing you to believe that anything is possible, and showing you that love truly exists. Both were ideas you had given up on long ago.

How did we get here? It seems both fantastic and improbable looking back, that we should have survived the many challenges, pit-falls, communication breakdowns, bombshell revelations, and heart-aches that we've created / endured in our 8-months (and counting) together.

Through everything, I kept a firm eye on who you were, and who I was, and how we enhanced each other's lives. With every conflict and challenge I asked myself:

"is this the one? Is this the time that breaks us, that makes our relationship not worth it? Is this when I walk away?"

and every time, the answer came back:

"not yet, I'm not ready to walk away; we still add value to each other's lives there's more to learn here; I would regret walking away before seeing where this road takes us".

I never gave up on love, or believing in possibilities; I wouldn't have survived that desert. I don't know how you found the strength and will to prevail in this life without belief in those fundamental hopes and dreams, but I am so glad you did. I know it was hard over the last few years, and I would give anything to kiss away the pain you've experienced, as I know you would for me if you could. I am really excited to be re-introducing optimism, love, belonging, and manifestations of possibility into your life. I am so honored to have found an equal, a partner, a teacher AND a student in you.

This journey with you to the center, to my core, has been incredible and I am so VERY grateful to have had this opportunity arise in my life, and I am so VERY grateful to have you to love, lean-on, explore, and reflect with. Cheers my love, here's to creating an oasis in what once was a harsh desert. I can't wait to see what happens next on our journey!

In love,


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